You are at CrossFi Chain Testnet, mainnet is coming.

XFI Chain Stats

XFI Addresses Count


XFI Unique Addresses Activity

Shows interest to the chain by the amount of unique addresses per time unit and overall accumulating sum.

Address Focus Activity

Shows addresses swaps activity correlation.

XFI Pools Count


Share by Pool Addresses

Shows interest to the chain by the amount of unique addresses per time unit and overall accumulating sum.

Share by Transaction Type

Shows interest to the chain by the amount of unique addresses per time unit and overall accumulating sum.

XFI Txs Values

Shows interest to the chain buy the ... What is the value of transaction types and their accumulating change.

XFI Txs Types Activity

Shows interest to the chain by the ratio of transaction types and their over time accumulating dynamic.

XFI Contracts Count


XFI Contracts Activity

XFI Tokens Count


Txs By Token

Shows interest to the chain by the amount and value of tokens activity.

Share By Wallet

Shows interest to the chain by the amount of unique addresses per time unit and overall accumulating sum.