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DEXs Stats Query Dashboard (raw)

This query generates a comprehensive report that tracks and aggregates decentralized exchange (DEX) trading activities across various Automated Market Makers (AMMs), detailing transaction types, token pairs, wallet interactions, and accumulated stablecoin amounts, while also partitioning and summing these metrics by pool, factory, and wallet over a specified time period.

Pools Volumes

Pools Reserves

Amm Reserves Changes

Amm Reserves Accumulated Volume Changes

Txs Values Shared by Pool Addresses Stacked

Txs Values Shared by Pool Addresses

Txs Values Shared by Amm (daily stacked)

Txs Values Shared by Amm

Txs Values Shared by Pool Addresses (hourly)

Txs Values Shared by Amm

Txs Values Shared by Transaction Type

Accumulated Txs Types

Pools To Amm Raw Mapping

Pools To Amm Fine Mapping

Wallets Txs Types

Txs Values Shared By Wallets

Tokens Involved

All Interested Parties Activity

DEXs Stats

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